Sunday, January 6, 2008

What Have I done!

Well I just officially registered myself in the Yeungling Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach. Before you get too excited though I am only running the 8k. I thought it was a 5k which would be no problem for me but that extra mile and a half (roughly) may put me over the edge!

My new years resolution was to get more involved in community activities (particularly sports related ones). Although I enjoy hanging out with our friends here in Hampton Roads, I would like to have a little more substantial plans in my social calendar than "Cogan's or Taphouse tonight?" "Is Jill working?" "I think so." "Yeah see ya there."

I have been running fairly steadily for the last 5 years but I am comfortable in my 3 mile bubble. Hopefully this will be a good thing although the waiver I had to sign was intimidating...not just because it lists the possible dangers of participating in such an event but more so because they have the right to videotape and redistribute my image as I am sucking wind down the boardwalk inevitably with well-toned seniors and pre-teen anomalies zipping by me. Why again did I paid to do this!?! ;P

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