Saturday, August 30, 2008

Joi-sey bound

Sorry for the lack of posts...our camera had to be sent off to the techy gods to be fixed. So we have not been taking too many pictures recently.

Lets see, lets see, since the last post...

Gordon has broken 100 hours in his job so he is finally off of "High Mins" (flight restriction). Along with that he has been on Reserve from home a lot as well as floating to different lines. He has flown out of Kinston, Greensboro and coming soon he will be do the Newark to Baltimore run for a couple weeks this month. If any of you know Gordon you know his feelings on Jersey and the New England area for that matter...but it is money in the bank and flight time so he is willing to sacrifice.

I officially put in my notice to Hope House on Thursday. My last day will be September 18th. I then start my new job as a Case Manager for an advocacy group for people with varying disabilities. That is unless i get offered a position I interviewed for with the city of Norfolk in the mean time. I am nervous and excited because it is a step up in my career and will be a challenge...Without breaking confidentiality all I can say is it is time for me to get the heck out of Dodge...for numerous reasons!

But on a funnier subject: I was going through some of the pics on our computer and found this...

I believe it was from my Birthday in when we lived in Indiana...Check out the Spock ears and the Michael Jackson post 1990 nose...gotta love it


Anonymous said...

HA! .... love ie!

Anonymous said...

Love IT... geez I can't type.