Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wrapping it up

Has not been much time, nor much to blog about recently, but now that we are in the homestretch of "DIY Wedding 101" I thought I would at least touch base.

Work has been work as know, cutting a pair of pants off of a client, planning trips to Disney World (my former place of enslavement, I mean employment), helping to skyrocket a clients local popularity with Dining out For Life by "raising money for AIDS" as she told everyone. In reality she is not a fan of AIDS but rather in favor of finding a cure in case there was any confusion. This is the same client that will ask anyone no matter how inappropriate the situation if they like car racing, then proceed to rattle off names of racers and her opinion of them ("you know like Jimmy Johnsuh and and and Juner (spelled as she says it), and that one guy, he dead, he died" if the Hasidic Jew coming from the Chabad house with his family is interested!...But I digress. We can't forget the client who calls the police all the time because his trouble maker "girlfriend" is always being kidnapped and finding herself in movie-like predicaments. According to our client she has already died of Cancer 3 times. This is the same client that also told an elderly couple in the podiatrist office that they had been following him because they were undercover cops and he knew it. The ladies response was "Hunny, I have 3 kids of my own and I don't keep up with them, so why on Earth would I be concerned about you!?!" All I was thinking when I heard that is YES! hahaha, I love this woman.

But looking to the future (i.e. next 12 days) I have a busy meeting today, my weekend, bowling for a clients birthday on Sunday, filling 3 weeks of meds for client, working clients art booth at Stockley Gardens on the 18th, joint party for bachelorette/friend's b-day sometime that weekend, putting birdseed in the tossing bags, dropping the dawg off at daycare for the wedding, packing, cramming all of the junk into the car somehow and getting the heck out of Dodge!

We wanted to start spreading the word that anybody in Key West on Friday the 23rd is welcome to the rehearsal dinner. It will be very casual and kinda impromptu. We are planning on showing up at the Conch Republic Seafood Co. at 8pm and seeing if they can accommodate our party. If so great, if not we will break up into smaller parties. The place is an open air restaurant and is big enough that it should not be too much of an issue. So if you are up for it we would love to have you!...See you then

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